India is rooted in the soil of the Vedas
- Bhagwan Shri Yogi Ramsuratkumar

Bhagwan Yogi Ramsuratkumar declared, “To tell you the truth, the whole humanity exists only because the Vedas.” “The ancient rishis were great lovers of mankind.” He said that the ancient seers and sages of India had a holistic vision of the world and they knew the best courses of action for the material and spiritual welfare of mankind and these had taken the form of the Vedas and Shastras -The Revealed Knowledge.
He therefore founded the MA DEVAKI VEDA PATASALA TRUST on January 4th 1999, to foster the growth of Study and Research in the Vedas and allied disciplines. Bhagwan Yogi Ramsuratkumar was of the view that Vedas were fundamental to life in the cosmos and particularly in India. He declared that except for the Vedas India would be dead. He extolled the efforts of Jagadguru Sri Chandrasekarendra Saraswathi of Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam in the preservation of the Vedas and promotion of traditional vedic studies.
Bhagawan gave instructions that the Ma Devaki Veda Patasala Trust would have to setup institutions on the “Yenathur Model" or the "German University Model” for the promotion of research in the Vedas and He repeatedly declared that this Center of Learning would constitute The heart of the Yogi Ramsuratkumar Ashram.
The Ma Devaki Veda Patasala Trust, as drawn up under the instructions of Bhagwan has the following objectives :
The education, importing of & promoting the study of Indian Philosophy and Culture including Vedas, Agamas, Puranas, Itihasas, Upanishads, other Shastras etc.
To revive, promote and advance the ancient Indian Culture and propagate the teachings of the Holy Seers, Sages and Maha Purushas.
To promote the study of oriental languages, particularly the study of Sanskrit.
Bhagwan’s objective in setting up the Trust was to revive and protect the Ancient Indian Culture – Bhartiya Sanskriti, which in the present day and age has suffered heavy damage owing to the inroads made by the crassly materialistic and violent culture of the western nations. The revival and fostering of Vedas on one hand and Indian culture on the other are closely interwoven and inter dependent.
In Bhagwan’s words, “India is rooted in the soil of the Vedas!”