Sannidhi Street
1977 - 1993

Seventeen years passed and more and more people began to come to Him at the Punnai Tree. But the devotees could not sit in the pouring rain or burning sun like He did. Hence, in 1976, the devotees bought a house
in Sannidhi Street and begged Him to go and stay there. In 1977, Bhagwan accepted their prayer and started to live there. Yet, He did not keep anyone with Him. He was like the wind that cannot be held by the hand. There was no
cooking done there at all. Why, there was no cleaning the place by sweeping, either. There was dust on the floor in many places. The mats laid out for the visitors to sit were torn here and there. A gunny bag served the purpose of
His bed, a mud pot for water, dirty torn clothes hanging on the walls here and there, heaps of cigarette boxes and match boxes in one place, scattered newspapers and a heap of offerings from the devotees were all that one could see there! Above all, seventeen replicas of the same photo in which He holds a conch in hand, were hung on the wall in a row! It is this photo that Bhagwan used to distribute with His holy hands to devotees when they came and asked. The long window of the veranda was completely covered with dry garlands which came as offerings to Him. In the beginning of His Sannidhi Street
Spiritual Ministry, Bhagwan used to take the devotees inside the house. But later, He began to give darshan in the small veranda of the house. Whenever the devotees came, He would light a cigarette and start interacting. Sometimes, He would smoke a full cigarette, sometimes
only half. A rare few times, He would just light a cigarette and put it out immediately! What calculations were involved were best known only to Himself. When he smoked, there was neither smoke nor any smell either. But our bad karmas would get burnt in His smoking. Our
problems would be solved.
Once, when a foreigner asked him, “Why are you smoking, Swami?” He said, “Before Papa Ramdas gave this madness to this beggar, this beggar never liked smoking. If anybody
smoked in the same room, this beggar would vomit. He would run away from the place. But after this God-madness, it was difficult for this beggar to be with people and work for them because of their dense vibrations. Then
Father said, “Take to smoking. It will help.”
Sometimes when there were only four people in that Veranda, He would call the gate-boy and ask him to buy eight teas. Before the tea arrived, eight people would gather there! Tea also would not be distributed according to their sitting order. He would keep one cup here, one
cup there, in a seemingly random fashion. In case anyone changed the order, He would get wild. He would even ask them to get out and they might lose His blessing.